Talk About Pop Music



As a person and a performer I am fascinated by process. I am dedicated to learning any and every process I can in order to excel at being who I am and to achieve my fullest potential in everything I undertake (see this website, as an example).

I’ve studied with some amazing teachers and mentors, and was given a terrific acting foundation before I turned 18. I put that foundation to use in college and then post-college, found myself slowly disconnecting from it and not understanding how to get back in touch with it. Which is why, despite some successes — a lead in an ABC Afterschool Special, a Featured Ensemble role on Broadway, and a small stunt in Leonardo DiCaprio’s The Basketball Diaries— I found myself separating from acting twenty-five years ago to pursue music and songwriting instead.

While I am still reaching for that “10-yr overnight success” in music, after years of pursuing that dream, and finally being at one with several health challenges, I felt acting call me again and listened to its call — now with the perspective of two more decades and being a parent fueling my interest and pursuit.

Since coming “back”, I have had great new mentors and teachers point the way towards how to be a professional in this post-COVID age of the business. I’ve put heart and soul into co-writing and producing a demo reel, targeting the kinds of characters I believe the industry would seamlessly fit me into, and have created headshots to match those roles. I have also sought to learn how to stand out in this new era of self-tapes and have slowly, with the help of those who know what they’re doing, learned how to bring their teachings to life.

But I’m certainly not done yet. I’m collaborating with fellow actors on projects and continuing to improve my skills as high as my game will take me. As someone who is in love with process, I’m right where I need to be. .. and since you’ve just finished reading this, you too, are right where you need to be.

– Jon Rothstein… Actor, Singer, Songwriter, Musician, Dad, Husband, Computer Expert, Graphic Designer, Web Designer—and sometimes Plumber and Electrician (seriously).